23:59 Close ☞ All Eyez on me New Color ☜

2022/05/08 18:30

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フレームに刻まれた「Take it Easy」とフラットレンズが出す色気とCool感がマッチング。

★Take it Easy★

An immortal masterpiece that made ☆NSH☆ known as an Eyewear brand.

The "Take it Easy" engraved on the frame and the flat lenses match coolness and sexiness.

The above playful design, as opposed to the standard Wellington type frames, was worn by many famous celebrities and spread quickly.

★Take it Easy★


刻在镜框上的 "Take it Easy "与平面镜片相得益彰,使其同时具有酷和性感。


デザイナーデザインアイデアを最大限に表現した⚡︎ Open my way ⚡︎

フラットレンズ、イナズマメタルプレート、フレーム下に星を配置等、どのアングルから見ても死角なしの⚡︎ Open my way ⚡︎

デザイン完成度が高くメッセージ性も強い⚡︎ Open my way ⚡︎ = 我が道を切り拓く

★Take it Easy★と双璧をなす人気です。

⚡︎ Open.my way ⚡︎

The ⚡︎ Open my way ⚡︎ expresses the designer's design ideas to the fullest.

Flat lenses, inazuma metal plates, stars under the frames, etc. No matter which angle you look at it from, there are no blind spots ⚡︎ Open my way ⚡︎.

The design is highly finished and has a strong message ⚡︎ Open my way ⚡︎ = Pioneer my way.

It is a popular brand that is twinned with ★Take it Easy★.

⚡︎ Open.my way ⚡︎

⚡︎ Open my way ⚡︎将设计师的设计理念表达得淋漓尽致。

平坦的镜片,inazuma金属板,镜框下的星星,等等。无论你从哪个角度看,⚡︎ Open my way ⚡︎都没有盲点。


它是一个与★Take it Easy★结对流行品。

✟ One Cross ✟


無骨感が強いフレームに☆をポイントで3つ配置する事で独特な雰囲気と色気が醸し出る✟ One Cross ✟

磨き上げられたフレームとフラットレンズの相性が☆NSH☆史上一番コントラストが美しい✟ One Cross✟

装着した時の高揚感を感じて欲しいEyewearです 🕶

✟ One Cross ✟

New frames newly dropped this spring.

The frame has a strong sense of ruggedness, and by placing three ☆ points on the frame, a unique atmosphere and sex appeal is created ✟ One Cross ✟.

The contrast between the polished frame and flat lenses is the most beautiful in the history of ☆NSH☆✟ One Cross✟.

We want you to feel a sense of excitement when you wear this Eyewear 🕶.

✟ One Cross ✟


镜框具有强烈的粗犷感,通过在镜框上放置三个☆点,营造出独特的氛围和性感的魅力✟One Cross✟。

抛光的镜框和平坦的镜片之间的对比是☆NSH☆✟One Cross✟历史上最美丽的。


約200工程を経て完成される☆Going my way☆
レンズへプリントされた「☆Going my way=我が道を行く」のメッセージ性と3㎜幅の極厚フレームのコントラストが世代、時代を問わず15年以上愛されるモデルとなりました。

☆NSH☆EyewearThe Beginning of Everything☆Goingmyway☆

Since its launch in 2005 under the old brand name, NSH Eyewear has evolved in shape and form up to the present day.

☆Going my way☆ is completed through about 200 processes.

The contrast between the message "Going my way" printed on the lenses and the 3 mm wide ultra-thick frame has made this model a favorite for more than 15 years, regardless of generation or era.



走我的路 "是通过大约200道工序完成的。

印在镜片上的信息 "Going my way "和3毫米宽的超厚镜框之间的对比,使这个型号在超过15年的时间里成为人们的最爱,不管是哪一代还是哪一个时代。

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☆N.S.H☆ Original eyewear from Shibuya.

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